I would like to dedicate this Post to my Mütterpflegerin Andrea, I don't know what i would do without her the first months when i came home with my little newborn.
I never heard about this term before coming to Germany. A Mütterpflegerin is a person that takes care about new mothers and families after the new baby born come home.
One really doesn't realize how much basic knowledge is missing us when after giving birth we come home with our baby to start a new life. How to nurse him properly , how to wash him, change dippers, how to dress him when going outside, how to carry him and how many possibilities are... I wonder why when it is our own nature we don't know nothing about these things till the moment comes.
Thanks to Andrea I learnt how to better care about my baby, but not only this. She really took care of me during this period. The first 6 weeks of motherhood are really hard. If you have children, you know what I'm talking about. From here all my admiration to all those mothers and even more for mothers of more than one baby at home...
The stress of learning how to do the things, the lack of sleep, the pain in the body that needs to recover...
Andrea was not only helping in all practical matters, what to say about the delicious dishes she was preparing for me, and beautiful motherhood books she was bringing me to read. But also, always bringing a smile with her. Some flowers, some cakes, lots of positive energy to make me happy, to make me proud of what I'm doing and making me feel I'm doing fine. That all the effort is going in the good way... because not only the body needs to heal but also one should encourage the spirit.
And that's why I am so thankful that I found her.
To her and all the Mütterpflegerine, that are so necessary.
Thank you!
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Learn more about what Andrea does here!
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